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General introductions

These books are a great introduction for scientists to learn how to relate to non-expert audiences and use principles of storytelling to craft effective messages.

Don’t be such a scientist; Randy Olson
Houston, we have a narrative; Randy Olson
Escape from the ivory tower; Nancy Baron
If I understood you, would I have this look on my face; Alan Alda

Designing and delivering presentations

Nancy Duarte’s book are a great introduction to using principles of storytelling and design for presentation development and delivery.

slide:ology; Nancy Duarte
resonate; Nance Duarte

Refining your message

Made to stick: why some ideas survive and other die; Chip Heath & Dan Heath
The economics of attention: style and substance in the age of information; Richard A. Lanham

Visualization of qualitative and quantitative data

Storytelling with data; Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
Show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs that enlighten; Stephen Few
Now you see it: simple visualization techniques for quantitative analyses; Stephen Few
Visualize this: the Flowing Data guide to design, visualization, and statistics; Nathan Yau
The truthful art, data, charts, and maps for communication; Alberto Cairo
Visualizing data; William S. Cleveland
The elements of graphing data; William S. Cleveland
The visual display of quantitative information; Edward R. Tufte

Understanding your audience

100 things every presenter needs to know about people; Susan M. Weinschenk

Visual design

The non-designer’s design book; Robin Williams
Thinking with type: a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, and students; Ellen Lupton

Other science communication works

Science communication: a practical guide for scientists; Laura Bowater & Kay Yeoman